Exploring Intersections of Climate and Societal Challenges - Climate Crossroads Summit 2023

The global community is in a crucial window for addressing the many threats climate change poses to the planet and society. To meet these challenges, the nation and the world must harness the full complement of knowledge and skills across science, engineering, and medicine. On July 11 and 12, the National Academies Climate Crossroads Summit brought together leaders spanning the breadth of expertise for a vibrant discussion about how to catalyze action among a diverse range of stakeholders and decision makers.

About Climate Crossroads

Building on more than 40 years of foundational work on climate change, the National Academies are stepping up efforts to meet the most urgent issue of our time. This year the National Academies launched Climate Crossroads, a new initiative that leverages our disciplinary breadth and capacity for collaboration.

Climate Crossroads provides space to respond to new challenges as they arise, expands the Academies’ work to a more diverse range of stakeholders and decision makers, and is developing new ways to work with underrepresented communities on climate
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