Life in Transition in Bangladesh: A Little More Love

See entire series in a playlist at:

This dramatic episode from Bangladesh, in Bangla with English subtitles, was produced by the Food Security for Sustainable Household Livelihoods (FoSHoL) in association with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI; Completed in June 2009, the FoSHoL project sought to build the capacities of food insecure farm households in communities in the Barind Tract of northwestern Bangladesh. This video is one of six such episodes in the "Life in Transition" series.

Working in selected vulnerable communities, the project: built the capacities of targeted households to innovate in their agricultural activities; trained selected participants to become Resource Farmers capable of facilitating agricultural innovation in their communities; built the capacities of community groups to work together to address constraints and opportunities affecting food security; and built the capacities of local actors to replicate and sustain project activities. Funding was provided by the European Commission.

Since he is contemplating producing more of these educational dramas in Bangladesh, Zainul Abedin, IRRI Representative for Bangladesh -- -- would appreciate any feedback.
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