Mobile Chor | মোবাইল চোর | Afran Nisho | Tanjin Tisha | Mohidul Mohim | New Bangla Natok | Soundtek

♦ সেরা নাটকের সেরা আয়োজন: --~--

The Natok ’Mobile Chor’ or ’মোবাইল চোর’ is a social romantic drama on Mobile Thief guys in township lifestyle of Bangladesh. Watch and share the full drama and make your time more enjoyable.

Cast: Afran Nisho, Tanjin Tisha, Ziaul Haque Polash, Tanzim Hasan Anik
Script & Direction: Mohidul Mohim
DOP: Kamrul Islam Shubho
Producer: Masum Shaikh
Executive Producer: Syed Irfan Ullah & Fahmida Irfan
Edit & Colour: Romjan Ali
Publicity Design: HM Tarikul Islam
Chief AD: Shabdik Shahin
AD: FH Majumder, Efat Chowdhury
Label and Distributor: Soundtek

 সাউন্ডটেকের জনপ্রিয় নাটকগুলি
নাটক Natok
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