Online media workshop: The impacts of overfishing around the coasts of India

Many governments around the world provide subsidies to their countries’ fishing fleets. In India, these subsidies disproportionately support well-connected firms and large trawling boats, missing the small-scale fishers they were designed to help.

The World Trade Organization is currently undergoing treaty talks on the potential for subsidy reform, which are due to be completed this year. What are the prospects and problems for marine subsidies in India? And how can journalists report on them effectively?

Join this webinar specifically aimed at journalists and featuring speakers who are experts on the subsidy issues in India. Story grant opportunities for journalists will also be announced.

Dr. R. C. Bhatta - Marine Resources Economist, College of Fisheries, Mangaluru
Dr. K. Sunil Mohamed - Principal Scientist and Head of Molluscan Fisheries & Mariculture Divison, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi
Dr. Rashid Sumaila - Professor and Canada Research Chair, Interdisciplinary Ocean and Fisheries Economics, The University of British Columbia

Shailendra Yashwant - Independent documentary photographer and environment journalist, India

This webinar took place on May 13 at 10am IST.
মাছ ধরার ভিডিও Fishing
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